Saturday, June 11, 2016

How to choose and set the correct doll eyes to doll's head?

For all doll lovers,doll eyes may be the most basic items they need to buy frequently besides doll wig.Because different eyes will give the doll a total different look.

So,How to choose the correct doll eyes?

Eyes come in a wide range of sizes. Most will be measured in millimeter sizes from 8mm to 22mm. To get a good fit for your doll you have to pick the right size eye. 

First, we measure the doll’s eyes.

Kindly notice: if the measurement is 10mm likely the doll will need a 12mm eye. if you put a 10mm eye in the eye socket you will likely see gaps around the edges.

After that, its time to get a pair of beautiful eyes.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Why do we love BJD dolls ?

Do you know BJD doll or other dolls, like Blythe, Pullip ?

They say that dolls are normally toys only for kids, While the legendary "BJD" doll, got huge fans who are mostly women with different ages. 

Compared with the well-known Barbie dolls, it's more expensive,with perfect figure shape and full of variability looks. People can be impressed deeply even only saw a beautiful picture of it. So its not hard to understand that why the dolls can appeal to them. They think the doll get spirit , they treat them as their friends, or babies. 

My friend Jenny is a big fan of dolls.

She said that “BJD for me are not just dolls, but also spiritual sustenance.Sometimes they can give me strength. I have always regarded them as friends, but not a toy
Another friend G is a man who like bjd dolls. He calls himself the daddy of Alice.(Alice is his dolls name)

G said:" I Like BJD doll, because they are too perfect in the three-dimensional world, a real woman even doesnt look like that pretty and delicate.Some people say that the doll is terrible and blablabla, but I think, BJD is only a resin doll.Basically they are toys, those guys think too much, too complicated. In fact, all this is very simple good thing. "

So what about you ? Do you like BJD doll or not ? Why ?
Welcome for comments. :)